You & Reach
People who get involved with Footnotes Reach come from all walks of life, and may want to support us with money, time or skills, invite us to bring a project to them, or partner with us as individuals or organisations. The other pages in this menu go into detail about all those options, or please refer to the links at the bottom.
For example, perhaps you’re a graduate who wants to combine your newly gained skills and experiences with Footnotes Reach? Footnotes can be a vehicle that enables a skilled person — whether it be engineering, creativity, medicine or anything else —to walk straight into what can sometimes be a very difficult situation, and impart the skill they have to offer. This powerful model can often be the catalyst that brings about profound shifts in situations, simply by bringing that unique technique and understanding. In this way, Footnotes is a communication tool; a way of mobilising individuals and communities to realise their potential. But Footnotes Reach is not only for the skilled worker; it is very much for those who don’t hold ‘status’. Here at Footnotes, we celebrate the very real, and unique, characteristics that are inherent in every individual. We believe that everyone can have a very important role in the bigger picture of working together to bring about positive outcomes.
You may want to go on location with Reach by forming a team and getting training, or joining a team that’s already established. Or it might be that you are a trailblazer who is making the first steps to take support to a new place in the world as an individual, with Footnotes in your ‘tool box’.
Your Ideas
We would love to hear your ideas! Wherever possible, we would like to help you, and those who work alongside you, to take Footnotes strategies to support those in need — through training, mentoring or even helping you to launch a new project. Our aim is to empower the desire you have to see change and transformation, and to achieve a result that we are sure will continue to grow and impact others.
If you’ve got more ideas for how to help, please do tell us, or find the various options for giving both time and funds by clicking the “GIVE” button at the top of every page. Thank you!
Alternatively, if you have a project that you believe Footnotes Reach could support, please do contact us with a basic proposal idea.
To find out much more about the Footnotes Programme, and what it has to offer, use the following link to take you to the main Footnotes site and discover the many ways that you can get Footnotes.